Sunday 1 February 2015

Painting Project Satire

From watching this video i had the idea to paint pictures of celebrities with too much make up on and replace their faces with rabbit faces and adding a bit of make up to try and relate them both, as the red raspberries does make a good lipstick, its also to mock make up tests on animals.

I liked the idea of small dolls or action figures and decided to look into it a bit more, i have no ideas at the present for this but i felt it could lead to a lot.

I gave up looking short after pressing enter on google, dolls are pretty scary.

Satire is basically using humour to expose or criticise something you find stupid, in particular politics or other typical issues with society

An example of a satire artist would be Paul Kuczynski, though his art is not exactly 'humorous' in the sense it makes us laugh, its ironic and thought provoking.

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