Sunday 1 February 2015

Evaluation of abstract expressionism

Experimenting with lines, colours, shading and contrast;

This is one of my practices which i were happy with, using bright colours to contrast against the dark, i was going to remove the white lines from chalk and go over each colour in a black chalk to make it more dynamic, however we ran out of time for this one and so it was never fully completed.
Jackson pollock was the most highly voted in my class and so we did some practices with his technique instead, if I'm honest i can say i preferred the block colours.

These were a few experimentations with colour, the red, yellow and blue ended up tearing partly brown and the yellow, blue and purple turned more green, though it were nicer shades than the other, they were quite calming colours that i thought i could perhaps test my findings on a practice sheet however it would not have made the most noticeable as they were not dynamic enough in differences.

These were some of the practices, and the final piece from the research into Jackson Pollock, an influential american painter, whose are reined 1948 when he perfected his drip technique till 1956 when he crashed his car into a tree.

He was known for his drinking and a lot of his paintings showed more expression most likely because of it, they always appeared more angry to me.

The second one up was probably my favourite, it was bright spring time colours and stood out the most among the others, though as we did struggle to cover the corners in all of our practices.

This is the final piece -though we made a few changes after this photograph was taken- I am quite happy with this because we all chipped in and did our best to cover every inch of the canvas, though i would personally not want it in my constant view as it makes my eye go funny, i think we could have done more practices on it, particularly concentrating on the different brush strokes and dripping techniques but beside that i don't think we could have changed much, i think it may have lucked nice with large droplets of colour with thin white lines along the top.

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