Sunday 1 February 2015

Caricatures- Satire Art

Tom Marriott

Apparently his love for drawing started off from the age of 5, which he used to try and get out of trouble, his grandfather bought him some egg and spoon wall paper that, one night, he decided to take chunks out of, the guilt of what he had done made him try to disguise it by drawing them back on the missing pieces, his parents found it hilarious so he kept it up.

He does Pastels, Digital and Pencil caricatures and can be hired for weddings and special events  

Here are  a few of my practices;

I have to say I am quite proud with how Justin Biebers caricature turned out, the one on the bottom left was the final image I made and I can definitely see the improvement, i also tried one of my other ideas which was to have celebrities with rabbit or animal faces.

For Katie Hopkins I went over board with trying to exaggerate her to the extreme as just a test run, i find the big lips and small button eyes amusing for a caricature and may be my favourite part. however i was never quite happy with he neck, I may need more practice.

And here is an inked Simon Cowell, well known for his trousers being too high and his usually blunt outlook, I tried to see what effect it would give to have rosie red cheeks like a doll as well as the big mouth and button eyes however i do not think i will continue it, or the button eyes it would be too simple and i would like to challenge myself a bit but who knows this plan may change.

unlike my other designs i was not able to finish this one so i decided to take into account that i may have a time limit for my final piece and that i would need to practice quick sketches or caricatures to prepare myself.

This one was done in microsoft paint and with a graphics tablet, i had started getting the habit of drawing the big exaggerated lips, which i find kind of funny, i may follow this on to my later designs.

Here are some of the quick sketches and caricature work i did as practices, though caricatures are funny looking i think it may be best to look into what i am satiring, making people look funny isnt exactly a strong piece so i will look to the media and celebrities for help.

I used pro markers for these and they do give off a smooth look which i really like.

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