Tuesday 27 January 2015

1950's Advertisement

While world war 2 was happening, trade routes were restricted or even cut off, meaning rationing had to take affect, anything that was being sold had to be necessary, to stay running shops had to compromise, for example porcelain shops could only sell 'white ware' completely colour and patternless therefore not using any unnecessary materials.

After the bombing raids which mainly aimed at places such as factories, cultural and religious places as well as crowded areas, meant that there was a huge need for quick housing which were well made considering they were supposed to be temporary, some lasting 40 years.

1950's, also known as the year of the consumer was a big year for shops of all kinds, because rationing was no longer an issue as well as households starting to have spare money, which took a lot of self control to keep, thanks to the beauty of funny, sexist, incorrect in today's society or/and bright advertisements of the 1950's.

"In a single generation, lingering memories of the Great Depression and war were replaced by positive futuristic portrayals of the idealized modern family"  Website

It was one of the first time children had started to be targetted by advertisements, 'Pester Power' had become a great way to drag parents into buying things they would other wise would ignore. 

We are all fully aware there was a lot of sexism going on around this time, women were not supposed to do any work seen as 'mans work' it was only during world war 2 where there were no men to work in the factories so women can prove themselves. it wasn't till 1960's-70's that women were treated with more respect, this was the time were the civil rights movement was in place.

Men and women had grown so used to this stereotypical house wives image of 1950's, sometimes it did get bad and objectified but because it was the norm no one really cared. this poster mas bright colours which are eye catching, and yellow is supposed to be the colour to subconsciously make you want something, however implying women are so fragile or stupid in its text will make the husband want to buy it, this means that this advertisement has been directed to the male audience more


smoking also wasn't a big deal, we know now that there are many dangerous that can happen from smoking, but back in the 50's people just didn't know or want to look into it, advertisements were positive, no one wanted to be in a bad mood because they had been passed such a bad point, the more positive sounding something is the more likely people were going to buy them.


Everything in this video was happy, cheerful and full of wonder and smiles.
For advertisement, the most common or popular sources were newspapers, magazines, radio ads, Television was like a new leaf to the industry, it was possibly the most influential factor.

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