Wednesday 17 September 2014

Research in H+S

Warning symbols for chemicals, they can also be found in the workplace, for example some buildings still have asbestos in and people must be carful of that, as well as the other possible materials used past and present.

A more comedic poster, an uplifting view of the negative, people will be more likely to check it out because of the mere thought of 'hey look a gorilla' and may subconsciously be influenced to read why he is there, use of digital and photos have been used for this, a catchy phrase to remember.

A dark cartoon, even though everything is exaggerated and made to look silly, it is still showing violence and possible problems in the work place around machinery, a good method of getting a certain point across.

Funny posters to show our faults compared to animals strengths, it is a clever way of getting a point across, especially with the 'you're only human' on the bottom of the page

A simplified and exaggerated cartoon poster about back strain, i like the colours chosen, you can easily see what point it is trying to say not just in the writing but in the image, the huge zig zag down his middle to show serious injuries.

I like the colours and style chosen, very simple but the dark on bright makes it stand out well the warnings are easy to work out

using the shock tactic, showing an injury due to someone not paying attention to health and safety is always a good way to get the attention, it sends shivers up the spine and causes people to worry- though this is very rarely a good thing, especially in the workplace- however it somehow works.

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