Tuesday 16 September 2014

National Gallery; Metamorphosis

Metamorphosis is a big or sudden change, for example, a caterpillar turning into a butterfly, 3 big changes that change everything the caterpillar was.

It is also a multi-arts project set up at the national gallery in 2012, built around the powerful stories of change in the Roman Poet Ovids masterpieces. I will be paying attention to Titian's work more in this post for example the pieces Diana and Actaeon, The Death of Actaeon

by the expressions on the women's faces none have seen/ care that Actaeon has interrupted their peace except the second to the right, who looks as if she is planning something nasty.
when I did research into this painting I found I was correct in my theory, the hunter has stumbled upon the secret baths of Diana the goddess of the hunt
In her anger for him surprising her while she bathes naked, the goddess turns Actaeon into a stag, sending his own dogs to devour him
these are a good example of Metamorphosis in art, the change from innocent to not, the power of an angered goddess
the placement of Diana in the picture 'death of actaeon' made her stand out from the rest of the picture, she is also coloured in a much brighter way, every thing shows off her power and authority- however in the first image 'Diana and actaeron' they are all coloured bright and clearly, meaning they were equal so this does contrast the ending.
I do enjoy learning about legends and mythology, so reading into this was quite fun.
The inspiration for the event at the gallery is Ovid's poem metamorphosis which is 900 lines long, with different mythological tales, unfortunately he was exiled at the age of 50. all the work in the event was inspired by Ovid's poem

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