Monday 29 June 2015

This was the image I used, my first job was to get rid of the background and try to lighten the image,

While trying to get rid of the background i accidentally used content aware which tries to fill in the selected areas with was it is surrounded by, in this case it was me.
after doing what i said i would do i also tested with the liquidise tool to stretch certain features

Inspired by a mixture of borderlands 2 and tell tale games just for a tester, it looks messy and interesting but i will not continue with this.

I decided to be different and instead of just trying to make myself magazine print-able i decided to become like the stories I write, a monster, in which i put my face on the balloon, though i could only get one of my eyes so i duplicated the same eye and flipped it round, it may not mean i can look in one direction but it certainly is eye catching!

because my comics are in black and white i thought it would be the best idea for myself to be black and white too, the way i did this was to go into image, mode then greyscale before putting it back to RGB, this is so that i can save it properly.

here was my first attempt at the cover, i think the cover itself is great but I needed it to be more extreme and scarier, so I went back to using the liquidiser tool an artist showed me in photoshop

Tested the tool out first, it was fun to use, and made it quite simple to over lap images, I morphed this image with my face.

I decided to mess around with my balloon face and liquidise tool to make it look more monster like and spooky! think I did a good job but if I were to do this again I would take more photos of my expressions so I could test them out!

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