Title- Middle tilt
Text/background colour- Black/white/green/grey
Image- a skiier
Simple design, eye catching design with limited colour, appealing for the eyes.
Logo/title- Middle
Text/background colour- Black/white/orange
Images- A photo advertising the Tshirts on models
eye catching but not too busy, however there are too many different types of fonts which i personally would stay away from.
Logo/title- Middle
For some reason i am not too interested in this poster, it seems too busy.
however i do like the cloudy background and the clothes hanger type of image, however there is simply too much colour.
Logo/title- Middle
Text/background colour; white, dark blue light blue
images; Person, ink, printable items, computer, web page and van
It is quite simple which i like, limited shading and almost even colour usage, however I do no like how little text there is even though the moto text is very pleasant
The posters have been very central, the title or logo is in the middle, information is like this too however images with text can very from being side to side or just everywhere.
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