Monday 16 June 2014

Collage practice

For this college I combined cards, coins, fabric, keyrings, bracelet and a makeup sponge to give an autumn day effect(hopefully)
for this one I tried to remake the card below with found materials, having quite a lot of jewellery I used a necklace to resemble the tentacles, a skull earing for the mans face, 5 pence for his torso, paper clip for his legs and a rubber band for arms, I think I did well.
To fit into what I was working on I decided to have an octopus guarding its treasure, like most giants in mythos- there tends to be a lot of hording going on. but because octopus' are in water, and humans dump anything in the water, I put a plastic bag over his head to show that he is slowly suffocating under his own greed and mans negligence.

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