Thursday 26 June 2014

Book covers

Front cover research from primary source.
A happy main character in full colour and shading standing out above brown and white background, giving a happier feel than black and white. 
A dark background with a lot of detail within the foreground and characters, for example the small figure climbing on the giants neck through the tick smoke.
A small girl with the look of wonder on her face staring into a book that relates to the title 'telling tales' as if she is reading the stories with in to the animals around her.
The colours black and yellow stand out above the colours of the main character, the words 'blood lad' seem more important. 
very sketchy, most likely done with water colours and an ink pen, it gives a good impression of what the book is about.
water colours, pencil colours and digital, it gives a rugged action feel to the cover.
the grave stones make you feel like the creator intends to show loneliness.
two children on their own, it gives the impression of loneliness with their surroundings being so open and dark. 

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