Tuesday 10 June 2014

Artist for 3D

Kurt Schwitters
Kurt Hermann Eduard Karl Julius Schwitters
Born 20th of june 1887
and died at 1948 which means he lived through both world wars
"In the war [at the machine factory at Wülfen] I discovered my love for the wheel and recognized that machines are abstractions of the human spirit."
 'Schwitters worked in several genres and media, including Dada, Constructivism, Surrealism, poetry, sound, painting, sculpture, graphic design, typography, and what came to be known as installation art. He is most famous for his collages, called Merz Pictures.' from wiki
Though I will be concentrating more on his Merz Pictures
They seem to be cut titles and pictures from news letters and other pieces of material, A hidden german phrase standing out by having the biggest lettering 'er und sie'.
 Joseph Cornell

Born on December 24, 1903 and died December 29, 1972
I like this concept, a mixture of both Nature and a half of a woman, to me this symbolises that Natuire is greater than humans, if too much changes and humans become greater than nature, what sort of life would we live? well that's my opinion

A small 3 dimensional sculpture of small things to represent a bigger picture, of my understanding this symbolises a cage, lack of freedom and a continuous routine, birds can be used to describe freedom, flying where they want freely and majestically (of course no one told the kiwi or the ostrich) and cages are the opposite, used for control, and routine.


Born October 25 1881, Malaga, Spain.
Died April 8, 1973, Mougins, France

Full name;  Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso

I have found a quite a few of Picassos work, musical instrument related, though like art music can be interpreted in many ways.
Robert Rauchenberg

Born October 22, 1925, Port Arthur, Texus

Died May 12, 2008, Captiva, Florida

I quite like this collage, the mish-mash of colours in the background, the detail in the foreground gives you a feel of a busy city by a river of sorts, it also gives a feel- of war time, one of those few moments among the chaos you try to find a little place to yourself to try and think.
This one is interesting to me, because it seems to be a mix of photos, writing and print, the printed image merging into the images, almost distorting them.
Dave Mckean
(seems to eerily resemble one of my art teachers, though he doesn't look as grumpy so sorry must be the beard)
Born December 29th 1963
Dave Mckean is a English Illustrator, Photographer, Comic book artist, Graphic designer, Filmmaker and Musician.
He even won the world Fantasy award for best artist
It seems to be a collage, A collection of varies things put into one, it seems to be a book cover however, writing mixed with sketches mixed with detailed image of a child.

This seems the most relevant image I have found that can link in to my plans, a mixture of an abstracted human form, with added animal(in this case insect) parts, giving it a surreal effect, the butterfly wings seem real and the overall background gives it an overly eerie effect.

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