Tuesday 3 February 2015

Presentation reviews

I will write what i gathered from their presentation, after that i will write what they can do to improve


The 1950's were marked by economic growth, american wages went up by nearly 50%

As well as the cold war job opening jobs for Illustrators to make anti communist propaganda, they were a necessity during the 1950's for their link to advertisement, creating positive and bright posters.

Dr. Suess was one of the most well known illustrators of his time.

in matts presentation it was quite knowledgeable however, he spoke to fast and nervously as well as only reading off the board, it was hard to jott down.
He could improve by looking into different branches of animation, what other types were around in 1950's?


1953; fashion was sleak,

Ideal body shape was large hips, thin waist. waist bands were very tight to emphasise even with though it would be most uncomfortable for some

Rationing was no longer a problem so finer materials could be used.

Bras were sharp and pointed, not sure why they seem so dangerous.

Look into possible colour changes through the years, perhaps pastels were used for some part of the year then bright obnoxious colours then dark or so on, i have no research into this side.


Her research was more into unusual flats, for example 'the slums' in sheffield which had started being taken down but with money being a problem the plans were scrapped and the building is still up now.

I would say she may need to look into different types of buildings, not just their appearance but perhaps placement, what keeps them up or how they make her feel personally.

Animation had really flourished within the 1950's disney released such films as;
Cinderella 1950
Peter Pan 1953
Sleeping Beauty 1955

Many characters that are popular today had made their first appearances;
Bugs bunny
Betty boop

Loony toons became a regular show on daytime TV

Racism was a big thing, even in animation, for example in loony toons, racial drops were made.

I like how he listed everything out in his presentation, however it may be a good thing to look into some non-drawn animation such as stock motion, like that in seven voyages of simbad.


Jackson Pollock, his technique is dribble or splatter using paint brushes mainly.
1930's he started drawing in a regionalistic style.

Influenced by thomas Benton, Diego Rivera, Lee Krainer, William De kooning

1946-1951 is when he started to express himself through his work which is when his technique comes in.

Mark Tobey 1890-1976, learnt calligraphy which is what inspired or tied into his work very often.

I think she did a very good job looking into Jackson pollocks life however it seems that was all she looked into, it may be best to broaden your search into some of the people he was influenced by or who he influenced.
also give a personal outlook to his work, how it makes you feel.


She looked into makeup effects in the 1950's which led her to 'The Creature From The Black Lagoon".
The suit was made of foam rubber, it was not heavy because of this.

the swimming and walking scenes of the creature were done by two people, the swimming guy had no way to breath underwater from the suit, however he could hold his breath for nearly 4 1/2 minutes

The suit turns to dust with time.

I think she did a good job, she could have looked at the audience a little more but the main thing to improve on would be to look into what the film was inspired by, or the creature, and from that she could look into other creatures and hear their stories through inspiration.


Photography was mostly used for commercial use, however there was a lot of sexism in this time, women were treated as objects in the media, or that they were all dumb as well as in films
Commercials were different in the 1950's I.E smoker and guns were advertised as if they did not care

I think she did well however she could have had more information into artists or events around that time that were good with photography. possibly look into the sexism, did women really care? or  was it just dulled out because it was a common occurrence in advertisement?

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